Redevelopment of NJ Brownfields Sites Tip re: Licensed site remediation professional (LSRP) as a deal maker rather than a deal breaker

Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2013 by Steven R. Gray

Real Estate Contract Due Diligence

Current Owner’s Obligation to Remediate Beyond Closing 

Have you thought about whether there should be one LSRP or two involved in a transaction? Owner and its LSRP should retain sole discretion to select the remedy unless the footprint of Buyer’s development project serves as a required component of the clean-up -- in which case Buyer will need its own consultant (but not a separate LSRP) to certify to the Owner and its LSRP that the project has been installed as designed.

Vapor Mitigation 

Have you thought about who will pay for a vapor mitigation system which these days consultants recommend be installed as a prudent measure in all circumstances whenever there is groundwater contamination?

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